10 Ways to Save While Winterizing Your Home

When Jack Frost comes knocking, you’re not going to want to let him in.. But keeping the cold out of your house can sometimes be a little pricey. From an article in Business Insider, below are 10 ways to save on winterizing your home.

  1. Protect from drafts! Using a draft snake to place under your door will allow you to keep the warm air in your house, while keeping the cold air out. The U.S. Department of Energy claims that drafts can be attributed 5-30% of energy use per year. Read more

6 Houseplants That Could Kill You and Your Pets

Houseplants are a decorator’s best friend, adding pops of color and a vibrant touch to even the blandest home interiors. And studies show that they also improve air quality, lower your stress level, generally make you happier, and just might even make you smarter.

But what if those seemingly innocent buds are doing just the opposite? What if they’re actually trying to kill you?  Maybe even your pets?

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Back to School – Returning to the Routine

With the start of school just around the corner, children and parents likely are having many mixed emotions.

While the possibilities that lie ahead with new classrooms, new teachers and new friends are exciting, the transition from summer to school can be challenging for many children. The following tips can help:

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New Credit Bureau Ratings

When it comes to having good credit, you already know how important it is to pay your bills on time.  But how you pay your bills — not just whether you pay them — is becoming increasingly important.

In the past two to three years, all three major credit bureaus have added a treasure-trove of new data to their credit reports. Analysts are slicing and dicing “trended data” in hundreds of ways, but probably the biggest change is that lenders now know exactly how you pay your bills: whether you’re a high-risk “revolver” who carries a balance, or a low-risk “transactor” who pays your credit cards in full every month.

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The Emotions of Buying and Selling a House

Homes come with far more emotional weight than any other investment we make.

A home is a refuge from the world, a place to raise a family and, for some people, an investment they hope will bring them a good chunk of money down the road.

All too often, though, we don’t realize that how we feel about homes blinds us when it comes time to buy or sell. We let our emotions blind us to cold facts about the market or the realities of ownership. Or we prioritize one set of emotional needs over others that are just are strong but may not be evident at first. And ignoring them can lead us to make bad financial decisions that can affect us for decades to come.

Here’s a closer look at some psychological missteps that buyers and sellers often make as they wade into the housing market.

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