Ready, Set, Sell!

3 Strategies for Getting Your Home Off the Market Fast

Home For Sale Sign in Front of Beautiful New Home
It’s possible to expedite your home’s sale …
if you’re prepared to face the risks involved.

Most sellers have a specific goal when it comes to their transaction: a quick sale and top dollar. But sometimes fast action doesn’t align with achieving the highest and best value.

There are multiple schools of thought on this subject, and the perspective varies not only with where you are in the country, but also by price point, neighborhood and even down to the block. When it comes to pricing and the search for a quick sale, it’s always best to get help from a local agent. has over 3,000 realtors in the US and Canada.

Here are some strategies you can use to get offers fast. Read more

6 Houseplants That Could Kill You and Your Pets

Houseplants are a decorator’s best friend, adding pops of color and a vibrant touch to even the blandest home interiors. And studies show that they also improve air quality, lower your stress level, generally make you happier, and just might even make you smarter.

But what if those seemingly innocent buds are doing just the opposite? What if they’re actually trying to kill you?  Maybe even your pets?

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